Can I haz your Commodore?
I play video games, watch Star Trek, listen to British punk and drink Guinness.
Age 33, Male
Joined on 2/16/08
Can I haz your Commodore?
What's in it for me? :P
I feel for you bro. I've got my exams very soon, and for some reason gaming and going out are just so much more tempting than revising. :C
If only revision could be made fun :(
Good luck with your exams.
Thanks, good luck to you too.
Thanks :)
Dat gameboy color.
Pretty sexy, right?
I'm extremely jelly of your Commondore collection
I'll be honest, I'm shocked that so many people have taken an interest in the Commodore.
I'd stab kittens for a commodore. I know they're relatively cheap but a working one that has everything you need is a bitch to find.
I think the full set up you'd need is the C64 itself, power lead, display lead and a cassette player. I have one of the official cassette players, but I think any that can connect would work.
OI DEAN, if we leave the EU, we'll have cheaper taxes :D
But I could never betray my beloved Britain.
I try to simulate drum sounds when i burp.
How's that working out for you?
but but... i wanna be known as a british citizen not a european citizen :(
I never consider myself as European, so you shouldn't either. When you turn 18 vote for UKIP or something.
Are your games always in a stack like that?
Nah. You can see a mirror on the right of the photo. It slides open and has a big cupboard behind it. They stay on shelves in there.
I'll draw you something, Keiren is getting a poop!
I dunno man. I can't imagine my parents being chuffed when a postcard with a massive dick drawn on it comes through the door. Haha.
Add me on facebook you dick
<a href=""> d=100001982991078</a>
There are 11 other people waiting for me to accept friend requests as well, mainly all of whom are NG related. It's nothing personal, but I'm going to be cleaning out my friends list soon and most NG users that I don't actually know will be getting removed.
Do they harm you, yes they don't now add me.
No, but the majority don't even have a 'proper' facebook account, so what's the point?
Idk man more friends means bigger e-penis
Cool story bro
So are you going to add me
Like I said, Newgrounders that I don't know all that well will be getting removed soon. So probably not.
Plus, my account has 'personal' information on it, whilst most NG users accounts don't.
Okay then champ, keep it up with your good grammar.
Thank you. I will.
Cheer up Chuck
Do you have a backloggery page?
A back loggery of what? If you mean the news posts, no. There aren't really that many of them. I started writing them monthly from January and my video game collection should be the only post before that.
You are no true brit, you know that?
Only redheads are true brits.
Where do you get your information?