I play video games, watch Star Trek, listen to British punk and drink Guinness.
Age 33, Male
Joined on 2/16/08
I've still to see the new Dredd film. I really need to.
Another year's worth of Sports Illustrated Magazine. :D
I'm going to assume it's a sports magazine that people buy to ogle at pictures of boobs.
I'm blinded by trekkiness
It's just such a good show. I only wish I got into it sooner!
suck my dick and prosper - spock
It is most illogical that Spock would say such a thing.
that goryblizzard dude wont unblock me in chat, what a prick.
I can't help you with that.
I'm on Season 2 of TNG, does that make me eligible for anything
Eligible for anything? I'm not sure what you mean. I'm onto season 2 of TOS now though. Got TNG and DS9 ordered now too.
Dean, since you're a Trekkie now, I have to kick your butt. #NERD
Really is a good show though!
hey u BAN me ur rely a bicth!! i dont like u man.
lol wut? I didn't ban you.
I meant, how do I join Starfleet
By paying me $500
ill fuckn clobber u m8 what the fuck u wot m8 unban me now or ill swear to the queen ill gut you open m8
Apparently, it was Banta Claus who banned you.
PS - wasn't me
who was it then?
Not allowed to say if they didn't leave their name. Themz the rulez
spill the BEANs, DEAN
geddit cause it rhymed
well i ur not gonna say it then fak u den i fkn h8 u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I've seen snow maybe two times in my life that I can remember.
I don't have anything I want but new clothes maybe.
Snow is fun so long as it's not interfering with things.
There's nothing I'd particularly like to be given at Christmas either. Must be a sign of growing up :(