I play video games, watch Star Trek, listen to British punk and drink Guinness.

Age 33, Male



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April: A Relaxing Month

Posted by Dean - April 1st, 2011

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Today marks the last day of the semester for me, meaning I'm now a free man. Well, sort of anyway. Technically I have nothing to do for the next month and a half, aside from the occasional spot of revision for my exams which will take place in mid-May. This means that I don't have to wake up at 6:30am any more and that I'm not out of the house for eleven hours a day.

There is a downside to this though; my Xbox is still broken. Thankfully I can play my brothers whenever he is out of the house, but I'd still like to get a new one of my own sometime soon. It's just not the same, sitting in your room without one of the vital methods of entertainment. Ah well, maybe I will finally get around to finishing off reading The Hobbit and make a start on 1984.

I have something else to look forward to this month. Something a little more exciting and a first time experience for me. I get the house all to myself for a whole week. I've lived away from home in the past, but I was in catered accommodation which made things a whole lot less exciting. This time, I will have to fend for myself. Nobody will be around to help me do anything. I will officially be the man of the house. I just hope it doesn't turn out like Home Alone, because I really can't be bothered to go around setting up traps throughout my house.

I guess that pretty much sums up my plans for April. I can't imagine it being a particularly exciting month but at least I get a chance to chill out for a change, as oppose to trying to complete coursework on time.

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Home Alone Diary
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Day 1: Today I almost died from electrocution. I also polished my boots. Oh, and why didn't anyone tell me that one persons worth of washing up was still a considerable amount? My new Xbox came today as well. Hoorah!

I tried to make Chinese food for dinner and it was disgusting. Now my kitchen smells of China and all I had to eat was a slab of ice cream. I'm considering making pizza later. Wish me luck.

The pizza worked and it was delicious. I am satisfied... for now.
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Day 2: Today I had a visit from my grandad. He stuck around for about an hour and a half and we spoke about everything and anything. It got me thinking, if it wasn't for him coming round, how many people would I actually speak to during the week?

Then I went to Wetherspoons (pub/restaurant thing) for some gammon stake and a Guinness. The taste of Guinness made me buy more from Tesco. While I was there I also got my mum some sweets for her birthday, only to get home and find some fucker had already opened them. So I'll have to go back and get something else now.
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Day 3: It has been a pretty uneventful day. I went for a walk around a local pond and then later I took another walk down by the river. On both occasions I was with my dog. I'm not really the kind to just randomly to walking on my own.

I played Bulletstorm for the first time today and I have to say, it's nothing special. It just felt like a generic shooter to me with nothing exciting about it at all. Whether I'll go back and finish off the single player remains to be seen.
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Day 4: Aside from this being the first day of the year that I wore shorts outside, nothing eventful happened. That is all.
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Day 5: Today was really warm. Probably the warmest day we've had so far this year and I decided to make the most of it by going for a couple walks with my dog and then again later into town.

I went out to the pub with my dad to see some live bands playing. They were pretty good actually and overall it was a decent night. Got talking to some people I loosely knew from a few years back and met some new faces. I guess it's nice to see that there are still young people in my town with an interest in punk. Was almost under the belief that I was the only one.

Video of the lead act, although that's not from the gig I was at. He seems like a decent guy. Never spoke to him much, but still. He's called Billy Liar if you're interested.
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Day 6: Uneventful day. Woke up feeling a bit dodgy from the night before, but nothing that wasn't to be expected. Aside from that, there is nothing note worthy.
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Day 7: My last full day of being home alone. Everyone comes back tomorrow around 6pm. Looking back I guess the week wasn't as eventful as I was expecting, but I don't really know what I was expecting to happen anyway. It will be nice to have people around the house again, but at the same time I think I might having the place to myself. I won't get to choose what I do and when I do it any more. I won't get to choose what and when I eat. I'm sure there will seem to be a big difference in the smallest of things.
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Day 8: Everyone is now back home. I am home alone no more. These daily updates have become irrelevant. Have a pleasant evening.
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I'm glad the pizza worked great but I'm dying to know how many fights did you get into?

I don't have enough fingers to count, so we call that a 'really big number'.

E-Diary right there.

Don't worry. Today and possibly tomorrow will be the last days of my Home Alone Diary.

"maybe I will finally get around to finishing off reading The Hobbit "
Do it, good book.

Yea, I'm about two thirds of the way through but I sort of forgot about it after getting the new Xbox. I really will have to force myself to finish it off at some point. This my second attempt at getting through it.

Is it weird that i already knew pretty much all of this?

Maybe, but then we do have a pretty weird relationship.

Happy weed day :D

What did I miss?

I enjoy weed.

Do you also happen to enjoy having long hair, eating organic food and playing acoustic guitar?

Man i would kill to have 8 days alone :(

Murder is never the answer.

It is the answer to what's not the answer.

I guess I should never say never.

I found you on steam :o

You can add me if you haven't already. I'm not on Steam all too much though.

Dean are you still a neo-nazi skinhead?

Skinhead. Not a neo-Nazi.

Meh, not totally gone. Just stopped going to General basically.

Understandable. Ah well, nice to know you're still lurking in the shadows.