I play video games, watch Star Trek, listen to British punk and drink Guinness.

Age 33, Male



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April - A Revision Month

Posted by Dean - April 1st, 2012

[ My Video Game Collection ] - [ Previous Month ] - [ Following Month ]

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As of two days ago my third year of uni classes came to an end. I still have some coursework due in later this week, but aside from that this month is meant to be a revision month before I sit three exams in late April/early May. Usually I've not bothered with much revision and still come out with good grades, but this semester I really will need to revise. A couple of those modules were insanely hard.

Aside from revising I plan to try and be productive from now until September, which is when I go back to uni and start my final year. I've been tinkering around with some basic web development, which I'd like to get better at over time. I feel like I've been advertising this a lot but:

CHECK OUT MY WEBSITE! I coded it all from scratch and would appreciate any feedback. Things you like, things you don't like and perhaps some possible additions that you can think of.

I'd like to focus on more than just web development during my time off. Of my motivation to be productive remains, I'd also like to take a shot at Android Development. It's something that I've always (for no real reason) assumed to be above my skill level, but the more I think about it the more I realise that I could probably make a decent attempt at creating something. My only problem is the lack of creativity that I have. A big problem that I have is that whenever I want to start coding in my spare time as a way to improve my ability, I can never think of what it is that I want to code.

If I do get into this Android development and find that I can actually grasp it and make something half decent, it might be away to make some money on the side. I can't imagine I'd get much, if any, but it would be nice to turn a hobby into a method of getting money.

I've also not played my Xbox in about a month now, so I'm going to have to get back into that at some point. I still have SKyrim, Deus Ex: Human Revolution and a few other games to beat. Skyrim is something that I really want to beat. I was waiting years for that game, played it for a while after it was released and then had to toss it to the side in order to do work.

Oh, and have a fun April Fools Day (if this still applies, although there's a 1:30 chance it wont).

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Bought a N64 - 03/04/12

Well, today I won a bid for a N64. It will be the first real Nintendo console to make it's way into my personal collection (not counting handhelds). It seems like I got a pretty decent offer. I paid £25 for it and it comes with Goldeneye, Turok 2, Mission Impossible and a F-1 game. I then went on a bit of a spending spree that I may regret later. I bought Ocarina of Time for £17 although it's apparently fully boxed. Paid about £7 for Super Mario 64 but it's cartridge only. Finally, I bought a boxed Banjo Kazooie for £12.45.

Been an expensive day. This is costing me about £60! I better not regret this.

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My N64 Arrived! - 06/04/12

When I awoke this morning I saw several packages sitting at the bottom of the stairs. Upon inspection I realised they were mine and it felt like Christmas. I knew what was in them, but that didn't matter.

It's awesome that a proper Nintendo console finally makes its way into my video game collection. I've tested the console and most of the games, all of which seem to work perfectly. My boxed copy of Banjo Kazooie is pretty much in mint condition, which is always nice. Ocarina of Time, the other boxed game, isn't in such nice condition, but regardless, games are always nicer in their original packaging. Especially when it's games that were so highly thought of.

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Back Into Collecting Video Games - 12/04/12

Only a couple weeks back I thought I was starting to grow tired of gaming. I'd pretty much given up on it. My usual online buddies were never around an ymore and there just weren't any single player games that grabbed me for some reason. It has been even longer since I was last actively collecting video games, but I think I'm getting back into it. I only purchased the N64 because I always thought of it as a great console that I never got a chance to play, and now that I own one, this thing has really got me back into gaming.

Now that gaming has actually grabbed me again, I want to start actually collecting games again. The summer is boring for me and I usually spend a good amount of time gaming, but new releases are out of my budget seeing as I don't have a job. Older games on the other hand can be bought for very little and usually immerse me just as much as current gen titles.

I want to start building up some of my collections for the systems I own but have hardly any games for. Mainly the PSP but I'll probably also look into some Sega Saturn and PS1 games, since I don't have many of the decent titles for those consoles. I'm not too sure why I got back this compulsion to buy old games, but it's back and here to stay by the looks of things.

Something else that I've been considering doing is starting to upload videos to YouTube. This isn't something I've done before and I find the concept of talking to a camera a little odd, but I have enough game related stuff to speak about, so I figure it might be something to help cure the boredom that I will no doubt start to get within the next couple weeks. Whether these videos will turn out to be worth watching, I have no idea. Whether or not I actually do this isn't decided upon yet either, but we'll see.

April - A Revision Month


I'm pretty sure Coop owns at least one of everything.

We must investigate this claim further!

Coop was my room mate at the Manchester Meet. He let me use his laptop. You could feel the power surging from it.

Shit, it froze and I triple clicked that bitch

lol. I've been unintentionally spamming people's news posts for weeks because of this.

Not bad for £60, I doubt you'll regret it. That copy of Banjo makes me mad jelly. When I got my N64 a few months back it was £35 with Extreme G, Goldeneye and OoT as well as a boxed rumble pak, memory card and 3 controllers (one of which was yellow, fuck yeah). I'd say I got a pretty good deal.

You definitely got a good deal there, no doubt. If you were to sell the games alone you could probably get your money back and still have the console, but who'd sell Zelda. Such an awesome game. The boxed Banjo definitely was worth it. I was shocked to see it in such fine condition.

So much for revision eh

Give me a break! I'll start it on Monday :(

Dean, more like queen, amirite? Lol. Just kidding.

Nice N64 by the way. PuddinN64 is very proud that you got that thing.

I thought you might be :P Got any other good games you can recommend? Not sure if I want to make my next purchase, after I've saved up some cash, a new console (probably SNES or NES) or more N64 games.

The next five games I would recommend for you to get for that system would be Conker's Bad Fur Day, Star Fox 64, Blast Corps, Paper Mario, and Donkey Kong 64. Personally, I'd advise against getting a new console, as I've done that in the past after I got new games for my Wii and as a result, I put off playing some of the newer games. I'd say you should round out the N64 library first.

I have an extra copy of Super Smash Bros, by the way. The retro store in my area won't give me much for it and I'd rather see a fellow NG user enjoy it than give it to those guys. Would you be interested in me sending it to you?

Conker's Bad Fur Day and Paper Mario sell for a fortune over here. The others are more reasonable, so I'll look into them.
I'd love to accept that copy of Super Smash Bros, but sadly your NTSC games are no use to us gamers in the PAL region :(

I'd actually advise against Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros., since the sequels are the exact same thing but refined and improved. You're better off spending your dosh on something you haven't played a superior version of.

Mario Kart was never really my thing and I've never played Smash Bros before, but after I realised what it was, I was a l ittle put of, especially due to how much it costs. I don't think it was too popular in Europe, which explains why it's selling for so much.

Plus Smash Bros. really isnt much fun unless you're playing multiplayer

Which I wouldn't be unless I got another controller and a friend who is into old games :P

Do you bother to use the rumble pak? I remember it rumbled in Zelda when a secret was nearby or something, but the bloody thing's so awkward and eats through batteries so it's hardly worth it.

I've been wanting to start making videos for a while now. All I need is a decent mic (and maybe a camera if I wanted to appear on-screen, but it's a bit out of my budget atm). What's your youtube username?

Well, I started using it originally just for the feedback and I had read about it vibrating when you were near treasure if you have the Stone of Agony (which I never found). Stopped using it as soon as I got Epona thought because it was vibrating every step the horse made and I guessed it would eat batteries.

I'm not sure what the quality of my cam/mic will be like, but I'll just be using the stuff built into my Mac, so it should be semi-decent. Sadly I have no way of capturing gameplay though. YouTube username is DeanNewgrounds I think.

If I was a video game, I'd have all the points.

If you were a video game, I'd beat you over and over again.

<a href="http://www.gamerankings.com/browse.html?site=ps2&cat=48&year=0&numrev=4&sort=0&letter=&search=">http://www.gamerankings.com/browse.html?site=p s2&cat=48&year=0&numrev=4&sort =0&letter=&search=</a>

Gamerankings is the best shit ever for finding good games

Ah, that is pretty cool. Thanks!