[ My Video Game Collection ] - [ Previous Month ] - [ Following Month ]
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First up, I've actually stuck with this YouTube thing and I've now been regularly uploading gaming related videos to my channel. So far it has just been videos showing my new additions, a tour of my entire collection and one video response to the question "Why do you collect video games?" but I'm enjoying this so plan on continuing to make this a regular thing.
As some of you may know, last month saw me buying a Nintendo 64 and a bunch of games for it. This made an awesome addition to my collection as it's a console that I've always wanted to own and really got my back into actively video game collecting again. As a result, I ended up buying a lot of games in April and decided that I'd stop buying more for a while to let me get through the ones that I have and so that I can let my money regenerate a little. Well, this didn't quite work out. I saw something listed on eBay that I just couldn't let slide. It was a console + 10 games that I ended up winning for £25. That console is a Sega Master System and for that price, it was an awesome offer.
I've never owned a Sega Master system or a console from its generation, so it will be interesting to add it to my collection, especially since it comes with a bunch of games too. Unfortunately, it wont be coming with an original Master System controller as the guy said it broke long ago, but instead he's giving me a MegaDrive controller that he's been using with the console, so maybe I'll see if I can pick up an original controller at some point. But yea, I'm pretty excited to be adding this to my collection. It's a good console to collect for because the games sell for very little here which is obviously appealing on my budget.
In other news, I have my last exam this week although the previous exam that I sat didn't go too well in my opinion, so I reckon that I might be having to resit that one, but here's to hoping that I don't. Once that exam is out the way all the remaining pressure will be lifted off my shoulders and I will be a free man. I'm sure having nothing to do for several months will get boring, just like it does every summer but as far as I'm concerned, it's a well needed break.
That's about it for this month. There's nothing exciting planned or anything like that. I'll probably just be playing a lot of video games, browsing the internet and going for long walks in the country. Sounds good to me.
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Fucking eBay - 09/05/12
I should never have signed up for eBay. Although maybe eBay isn't the problem. Perhaps is this revived compulsion to collect video games. Either way, I can't help it. I find myself browsing the video game section of eBay too often. Up until today things were going well and I was able to resist buying more stuff. Not because I feel like I'm wasting money, but because if I keep buying more new games/consoles, I'll never get around to playing the ones I already have.
Regardless, I now own my second proper Nintendo system and that is the Nintendo Gamecube. Not a console that I'm all that familiar with in all honesty, but people always seem to have good things to say about it, so to get one boxed, with a controller, memory card and three games for £25 I can't really complain. But still, this seriously need to be the last thing I buy from eBay for at least a couple months. It's a real money drainer.
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Growing a mohawk - 11/05/12
Fuck society, I'm growing a mohawk. It's still just a sprout but I'm sure that if I remember to water it every day and use some miracle grow it will be big and strong in no time. Expect the pic to update as visible progress has been made.
I hate you. So jealous of your collection. If I'm ever in the U.K., I'm visiting you.
But you have to bring me corn bread and some proper American lemonade if you come. Those were the two best things about my trip to the States!