Happy new year!
I feel as though for the past 6 or so news posts I've always been talking about how I'm still looking for a job since my graduation. Well, at long last, the hunt appears to be over. About mid way through December I ended up with three seperate job offers. Funny how things work. They were for a variety of roles too, but all made use of my degree. The first offer was for an applications support analyst position, the second for an IT support position and the third for a programming role.
I'd have been happy with any of those jobs but I'm going with the IT support role. It's a 15 minute bus ride from my house, the money is good, the people I met at the interview seemed like people that'd be fun to work with and the job itself seems like the one I'd enjoy the most. With it having been Christmas and New Year, the process has been a bit slow though. I sent off my acceptance thing right before Christmas, so hopefully I should hear back with a start date and some more information about the job in the next week or so. Can't wait to get started. Feels like a long time since University came to an end.
In other news, I've not really been up to too much. Still go to see the occasional live band at the pub, still trying to get better at guitar and still trying to get through all the sci-fi shows I mentioned in my last post.
2014 also marks my 6th year on Newgrounds. On one hand it feels like I've been visiting this site for a long time but on the other hand 6 years seems insane. I'll be turning 22 in two weeks. I was 16 when I started coming on Newgrounds. Time sure flies.
Anyway, hope you guys all had a good Christmas. I'm not going to bother with the whole "new years resolution" nonsense because, lets face it, nobody sticks to those things.
2014 should be the year that Dean gets a sweet Star Trek tattoo like my stepbrother did.
Nice. Tattoos are maybe on my todo list.